Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Man Cave Make-Over

I have been trying to arrange this room since we moved here almost a year ago. It didn't help that most of my stuff was in storage for 10 months of that. So, this is the newest permutation of Alex's "Man Cave." I never thought I would say a room could be too big to decorate easily but this one is. That combined with a million windows and heaters makes it very precarious to put furniture around. This time I split the room in half with my 4x4 Expedit which turned out to be the perfect solution because now I can store books on the front and back, space I desperately needed for our extensive library. Judging by these pictures Alex and I have a media problem. I just love books, music and movies so much!

Splitting the room in half also provided a space where we could hide the mess that is our storage. Another wall of shelves, shamefully blocking a giant window, is all that is keeping this space from total chaos. As part of this make-over I erected my vintage kitchen table as a work space when I'm listing as packaging stuff. This table was originally going to go in my studio but it doesn't fit now! The problem with storing everything you own is that you get new stuff and it squeezes out the old. Anyway, my darling cat, Valhalla, likes to help when I'm at the computer. I wish she could list things on Etsy for me.